Misfits and outcasts
Hey guys!
To be honest, even though we practice unschooling and are pretty relaxed about our daughter’s decision-making, we do limit screentime and try to use it as a tool to either build, learn or connect rather than binge watch/play as there are so many other ways to learn things than using the iPad and the blue light damage is just not worth it for us.
Anyways, when we use the screen to connect we either watch some dance tutorials or we watch a great series or movie in the afternoon.
For the last 2 days we watched Enola Holmes 1 and 2 and we absolutely loved it!
As a kid I used to love Sherlock Holmes, read all the books and played private detective or FBI agent (I also loved the X Files). I had my own batch with my name on it: Sylvia Holmes, and took my families finger prints to find out who murdered the victim. Oh, I loved it!!!
Could I have become a real private detective if I had been unschooled, I wonder? lol
I recommend watching Enola Holmes! Her mother homeschooled her for 16 years and then left her to her own devices. She runs away when her oldest brother Mycroft, who is also ger ward, wants to send her to a strict boarding school to make a decent woman out of her, because her mother taught her how to read, write, critically think, play chess, fight, problem solve and many more real life skills but not how to act like a lady.
I’m not going to tell you the rest of the story but it’s worth watching and seeing how this ‘misfit‘ finds her way, deals with massive challenges of all sorts and always does what she thinks is the right thing to do, gives me a feel for how my daughters will be able to thrive because they were given the chance to live and learn freely.
Another series I can recommend is ‘Wednesday‘ - the daughter of the Adam’s family. Super funny and she’s another great example of how self-determined, independent, intelligent and bad-ass a girl can be. She might not be the most emotionally in touch with herself person and doesn’t have a close connection to her family but we can learn a lot from her problem solving and critical thinking skills, I believe.
Last, but not least, we love Guardians of the Galaxies movies! We’ve watched the first two parts at home and will soon go to the movies to see the 3rd part.
I suppose what these characters all have in common is that they’re the ‘outcasts‘ or misfits but go their own way. And that’s what we want for our children - to follow their heart and be resilient. Best way to learn that is to be unschooled ;-)