Podcast with Magda and Alex
Hey there!
I finally managed to interview Magda and Alex, our very good friends who came to Madeira to help us make APTB happen!
In this episode you'll get the chance to learn more about them.
They contacted us after watching our documentary and quickly decided to become a part of our project.
Magda is a former teacher who questioned the school system and left it to homeschool her sons while traveling in a camper van. Alex questioned the monetary system and put hours into researching Bitcoin. He is in charge of building, inventing, BTC mining and more at APTB.
Our two families even spent Christmas together and our kids are very good friends as well... what more can I wish for?!
Listen to their story, their passions and our plans for APTB.
If you have any questions for them, please send them to info@aplacetobe.me and we’ll reply!